Async agile 1.0, is distributed agile 2.0!

This blog expands on the ideas from “The Async-First Playbook”. You can either browse through the posts using the grid below, or start at the very beginning. Alternatively, use the search bar below to find content across the site.

Productivity, Collaboration Sumeet Moghe Productivity, Collaboration Sumeet Moghe

The reductionism trap

I’m a big fan of dividing and conquering. After all, isn’t that what asynchronous collaboration is all about? But dividing and conquering without a cohesive vision is mere reductionism. Ingredients are nothing without a recipe. A recipe is nothing without a vision. The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

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People, Wellness Sumeet Moghe People, Wellness Sumeet Moghe

Workers of the world, unite

IT workers successfully pushed back against a draconian 70-hour work week proposal in Karnataka. But such victories are shallow if we don’t stand in solidarity with our other, worker brethren, who often endure far worse working conditions.

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Best practice, Facilitating change Sumeet Moghe Best practice, Facilitating change Sumeet Moghe

Adopt asynchronous collaboration in your distributed team

A meeting-centric way of working on distributed teams can undermine deep work and flow, inclusion, flexible work and in the long run knowledge sharing. It also doesn’t lend itself to scale. Choosing asynchronous ways to collaborate can be an effective alternative to this meeting-centric approach. This is a repost of my article on InfoQ.

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Productivity, Wellness Sumeet Moghe Productivity, Wellness Sumeet Moghe

About doing less

There’s always more to do than I’ll ever have time for. I’m sure you face similar choices in life and at work. I take a detour today, to explain why I’m doing less than I possibly can with this website and my professional presence on the web.

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