Hi, I’m Sumeet Moghe.
I’m an agile enthusiast and transformation specialist at Thoughtworks.
Thanks for checking out this website. You’re probably just as passionate as I am about running distributed, remote-first agile teams. This site is a project to document my ideas about how to run these projects with a healthy mix of asynchronous practices. Many of these ideas come from pioneers in the field, who I reference in each of my articles. Others come from working with my employers - Thoughtworks. I believe these ideas have several benefits, some of which I’ve documented here.
Async agile 1.0 is distributed agile 2.0!
These ideas are now part of “The Async-First Playbook”. The book is already available for pre-order and early access and will be out in print in Q4 of 2023. So, stay tuned, and watch this space! To consume the contents of this site, I suggest you start at the very beginning. And if you’d like to get in touch, drop me a note.
If you’re part of the media, please check out the press kit.