Resources from “The Async-First Playbook”
This page catalogues all the resources and examples I refer to in “The Async-First Playbook”. I’ve organised them by chapter, so use the accordion below to access the ones you need.
I’ve organised all images by chapter. You’re free to use them in your presentations and documents as long as you mention “The Async-First Playbook” in your credits.
To help you revisit the contents of the book, I’ve listed all the chapter summaries in an easy to access format here.
Example user stories (online grocery store)
Example onboarding checklist.
Mural template to run the team values discovery
Here are all the tools you need to follow the instructions in the book.
If you don’t have access to Mural, you can recreate the whiteboard by referring to PDF versions of the panels.
Update: This site has a dedicated page for the starter kit, with inline, video tutorials. Check it out.