Async agile 1.0, is distributed agile 2.0!

This blog expands on the ideas from “The Async-First Playbook”. You can either browse through the posts using the grid below, or start at the very beginning. Alternatively, use the search bar below to find content across the site.

Facilitating change, Obstacles Sumeet Moghe Facilitating change, Obstacles Sumeet Moghe

Why you may find it tough to introduce asynchronous work in your team

The first port of call for any change journey is your immediate team. If your colleagues don’t commit to change, it’s unlikely that even in a conducive organisational culture, a shift will happen.

As an evangelist, coach, consultant and change maker, anticipating push back from your team will help you deal with it as well. So in this article, I’d like to share with you some blockers you’re likely to encounter from your colleagues and towards the end of this piece, we’ll consider some high-level approaches to address these blockers.

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Facilitating change, Obstacles Sumeet Moghe Facilitating change, Obstacles Sumeet Moghe

Why you may find it tough to introduce asynchronous work in your organisation

Introducing change in large organisations is tough. Synchronous work has a 250 year old legacy and organisations are used to it for a number of reasons. As an advocate of asynchronous work, you need to be aware of the potential challenges you’ll face when you try to introduce a new way of working in any organisation.

This article outlines some of the obstacles you should expect.

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